Mango Chutney Cod
Mango chutney Cod Instructions 1 chain pack Atlantic cod (20oz) 1 can Siggi´s skyr plain (150gr) 1-2 tablespoon curry 3 tablespoons Major Grey’s mango chutney Salt Pepper 4 tablespoons milk…
Mango chutney Cod Instructions 1 chain pack Atlantic cod (20oz) 1 can Siggi´s skyr plain (150gr) 1-2 tablespoon curry 3 tablespoons Major Grey’s mango chutney Salt Pepper 4 tablespoons milk…
Atlantic Cod with pesto and olives Ingredients 1 chain pack Atlantic Cod (20oz) 1 jar Sun-dried tomato pesto (approximately 7 oz) ½ cup cream 1 cup feta cheese Salt and…
Oven baked Atlantic Cod Ingredients: 1 chain pack Atlantic Cod (4x5oz fillets) Salt Black pepper 1 sliced lemon (1 more if you want to decorate the plate) 2 minced garlic…
Atlantic Cod baked in tomatoes Ingredients: 1 chain pack Atlantic Cod (4x5oz fillets) 2 chopped red peppers 2 red onions roughly cut 1 cup black olives 340 gr tomato passata…
Salmon with garlic and chili Ingredients 1 Pure Iceland Seafood Chain pack Atlantic Salmon 20 oz (4pieces) 4 minced garlic cloves 2 red chili pepper 4 tablespoons olive oil 1…
Cod with summer influence Ingredients: 4x5oz Cod fillets (1 chain pack from www.pureicelandseafood.com) Salt Ground pepper 6 tablespoons pistachio nuts chopped 6 tablespoons + zest of 1 lemon 1 dl fresh…